Tidak tahu bagaimana utk memulakan kata-kata namun semalam aku baru sahaja memasang tekad tidak akan berkasar juga untuk tidak selalu memarahi Dhanie & Rafael, Mungkin sebab rafael adik dan masih kecil maka dia tidak pernah dimarahi berbanding dhanie, kalaulah dihitung-hitung semenjak dhanie genap 3 tahun aku semakin malar untuk selalu memarahinya..entah kenapa, kadang-kadang aku memarahinya seperti dialah tempat aku melepaskan geram & amarah...
Dan setiap kali saat dhanie dalam keadaan tidur, aku akan dihurung rasa bersalah yang teramat kerana menjadikan dia sasaran kemarahan, namun ada keadaan aku merasa tidak perlu untuk merasa bersalah disebabkan oleh perangai dhanie sendiri, dan merasa aku telah menghukum dhanie setimpal dengan perbuatannya. Walaupun, aku tidak pernah menyakiti anak-anak secara fizikal tetapi aku tahu mental mereka seringkali disakiti kerana sering dimarahi oleh aku. Walau sebenarnya, mereka lah dunia dan nafas sebenar aku tapi nampaknya aku masih belum benar-benar mengambil tanggungjawab menjaga amanah allah yang dititipkan ini, sesungguhnya mereka juga adalah pinjaman dan seharusnya sebagai amanah aku jaga mereka sebaik dan semampu yang aku boleh...tapi...(alangkah, ruginya aku!!!...)
tetapi semalam aku akhirnya menguatkan hati dan tekad untuk berubah agar menjadi seorang ibu yang lebih punya sifat sabar selepas membaca kisah seorang anak dan seorang ibu yang terlalu tabah dan kuat mengharungi dugaan hidup yang bukan kepalang, kisah bagaimana seorang ibu yang sentiasa bersabar dalam mencurahkan seluruh jiwa raga & Kasih sayangnya hanya untuk si puteri tersayang yang "terlalu istimewa" , sungguh si ibu ini tidak pernah sedikitpun mengeluh, tidak pernah merungut, malah tidak pernah mengharap pengorbanannya dibalas, apalagi bila si bidadari kecil sanjungan hatinya diuji dengan penyakit dan kesakitan yang maha hebat dan akhirnya saat si bidadari kecil itu pergi si ibu masih juga tabah malah masih mampu redha dengan kepergian abadi si puteri kecil itu...aduhh...
Sungguh!aku tidak mampu menghalang air mata ini dari terus mengalir, malah sejak dari petang semalam, hatiku sebak teringatkan kisah si bidadari kecil berjuang hidup melawan kesakitan yang akhirnya menyerah pada kudrat kecil nya sebagai hamba Allah!...Sungguh! sejuta keinsafan menjalar dalam diri ini bila menghayati jerih-payah si ibu yang sama-sama bertarung dengan bidadari hatinya, meredah segala kepayahan dengan harapan untuk melihat agar si bidadari kecil ini mendapat hanya yang terbaik sepanjang sela nafasnya...
Dan betapa, sebagai seorang ibu yang mempunyai 2 orang anak yang aktif & sempurna , aku terlalu daif dan hina jika dibandingkan dengan si ibu kepada bidadari kecil ini...
Aku selalu merungut kerana terlalu letih bila terpaksa menguruskan 2 orang anak kecil dari A-Z, aku mengeluh kerana aku tinggal berjauhan dengan keluarga di kampung dan menanggung semua suka-duka di sini sendirian, aku menangis kerana suami kadang-kadang tidak mampu untuk memahami kehendak dan kemahuan ku, aku bersedih akan keadaan hidup yang selalu tidak menyebelahi aku, malah aku senantiasa menyesal akan semua ketentuan yang menimpa diriku, jahilnya aku!!!
Jikalau aku dibandingkan dengan ibu kepada si bidadari kecil ini, betapa kepayahan ku hanyalah seperti debu-debu halus yang hanya sebesar zarah, tidak terbanding dengan kepayahan seorang ibu yang menguruskan segala-galanya untuk si puteri tersayang, pun itu si ibu masih terus saja senyum tanpa merungut kerana padanya kebahagiaan si bidadari itulah sandaran utamanya, ahh...begitu sekali pengorbanan si ibu...
Jikalau aku hisab diri ini berbanding ibu si bidadari kecil ini nyata aku sejuta kali lebih mudah & senang daripada itu, pun...aku masih tidak mampu untuk bersyukur atau berterima kasih....
Dan, atas kesedaran tinggi menggunung ini, aku berjanji anak yang dua itu tidak akan aku seksa perasaan mereka, aku bersumpah yang aku mahu menjadi mommy yang akan memberikan mereka sejuta perasaan kasih dan beribu perasaan sayang untuk mereka nikmati....ya, aku mahu sentiasa mengasihi mereka. Tidak terbayang rasanya hidup ini andai tiba-tiba sahaja mereka diambil daripadaku...aduh..
Ya!Allah, berikanlah aku sekali lagi peluang untuk menebus kesalahan ku ini, sesungguhnya aku ibu yang leka, yang alpa, yang lalai, yang imannya kurang dalam menjaga amanahMu ini...berikanlah aku sedikit lagi kesempatan agar aku mampu menabur kasih dan sayang yang tak berpenghujung hanya kepada mereka ,anak-anakku ...Dhanie & Rafael...Amin..
NOTE:-Sejuta penghargaan kepada Pn.Ayu (Si ibu yg sungguh "superb" mengharungi segala dugaan dan cabaran) & kepada si bidadari kecil yang kisahnya terlalu mencuit rasa ("Princess" Alana Qish)...bersemadilah dengan tenang disana bersama rindu,cinta,kasih & sayang ibumu yg tidak bertepi)...Al-Fatihah.. ..
Monday, February 28, 2011
picisan..seorang ibu yg tidak tahu bersyukur...
I always wanted to be creative, i love to be creative...i always hoping to have some talent into creativity because i know i can do a lot of thing into creativity, this is what i always wanted to be...i don't know if creativity can be build by learning or it just depends into talent itself?...i wish i can be creative...i wish, i wish, i wish....
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Blogging lagiii.....
Well my bro is still waiting for the outcome, but i still hadn't had any idea on his concept yet! and i still thinking about that plus i can't wait to have my new layout for my other blog! yes!!! of course i said i can wait for it but it's a normal human to be inpatient...which is i believe everybody does!
Funny how everyday i peep into her blog to see anything about the progress even i know that i will be contacted through phone for the designs and so on...even just to see my blog name listed there....still it's normal, normal, and just normal....
Funny how everyday i peep into her blog to see anything about the progress even i know that i will be contacted through phone for the designs and so on...even just to see my blog name listed there....still it's normal, normal, and just normal....
Friday, February 25, 2011
Monster Mommy!
start with a big smile and a *wink*wink*.......
yes! as a mother of 2 little very actives boys, i admit that i will become a monster sometimes, i always dream and hoping and trying to be a super duper mommy for them,and for the past maximum 2 hours i still can stand their manners, i am trying harder not to yelling or screaming or scolding them..unfortunately, it seem never works at all!
Watching them running, jumping, screaming, crying and all the chaos, everything seem uncontrolled and that time i will become a MONSTER!!! with my big round eyes and high tone voice with two hands on my waist, dhanie & rafael will slow down a bit! =), relieved ....
but a minute later they will started it over again and again and again...
All i can do is hold my breathe and be patient, they were only a kids, and a kids always be a kid their world is only for play, jump, scream, running and fun!
As a mother, i admit that my world is shaking and upside down by the kids but they also create my deep happiness, even though the seem soooo naughty but still they're my reason to breathe! They just everything to me....
Dhanie will asks me sometimes "mommy, do you love me?" while hugging me tight, and by heard that my heart will completely melt! my answer was always"yes, definitely i do love you both" but the words seem not complete enough to explain how much and deep my love to them, they may not know how much is it but i am sure that they can feel my love to them, a mother's love, truly love...
To Dhanie & Rafael, monster mommy loves you both so much!
yes! as a mother of 2 little very actives boys, i admit that i will become a monster sometimes, i always dream and hoping and trying to be a super duper mommy for them,and for the past maximum 2 hours i still can stand their manners, i am trying harder not to yelling or screaming or scolding them..unfortunately, it seem never works at all!
Watching them running, jumping, screaming, crying and all the chaos, everything seem uncontrolled and that time i will become a MONSTER!!! with my big round eyes and high tone voice with two hands on my waist, dhanie & rafael will slow down a bit! =), relieved ....
but a minute later they will started it over again and again and again...
All i can do is hold my breathe and be patient, they were only a kids, and a kids always be a kid their world is only for play, jump, scream, running and fun!
As a mother, i admit that my world is shaking and upside down by the kids but they also create my deep happiness, even though the seem soooo naughty but still they're my reason to breathe! They just everything to me....
Dhanie will asks me sometimes "mommy, do you love me?" while hugging me tight, and by heard that my heart will completely melt! my answer was always"yes, definitely i do love you both" but the words seem not complete enough to explain how much and deep my love to them, they may not know how much is it but i am sure that they can feel my love to them, a mother's love, truly love...
To Dhanie & Rafael, monster mommy loves you both so much!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
I am still working hard on my other blog, make it 3 column, change the font and it's size, the pages,the widget and everything, but i have to admit that it still not attractive enough for me,thus,sometimes it look even more crowded than it's original template...and not giving up, i try it again...by removing the posting date & time, by making it 3 column footer, try to modify the font & sizes, the sidebar tittle color & font size and everything ....and finally.....all the HTML code mess-up, i can't even read a single line because the words is overlapping to each other!
I felt a tears but i hold it down, my head shaky, my heart sink...i try my best but it didn't come out to be the best....it goes even worse...almost want to totally give up, i got a bright idea by creating another fake 2 column blog copied the HTML and paste it to the crack blog, then it appear to be 2 column but i learn a lot of thing then!!
yeah, HTML is such sucks to me but at least i know a bit of it from zero background to at least know it's functions, and yet im not giving up, still working on it with some help from the creator of this page and also from someone but not able to link her now because i still waiting for the result. Thanks to them anyway..
So, Still not giving up, i will works on my bro personal blog after this even i didn't start it yet because im still don't have an idea for his concept, so, sabar dulu bro! i will come up with something new (hopefully) later!
I felt a tears but i hold it down, my head shaky, my heart sink...i try my best but it didn't come out to be the best....it goes even worse...almost want to totally give up, i got a bright idea by creating another fake 2 column blog copied the HTML and paste it to the crack blog, then it appear to be 2 column but i learn a lot of thing then!!
yeah, HTML is such sucks to me but at least i know a bit of it from zero background to at least know it's functions, and yet im not giving up, still working on it with some help from the creator of this page and also from someone but not able to link her now because i still waiting for the result. Thanks to them anyway..
So, Still not giving up, i will works on my bro personal blog after this even i didn't start it yet because im still don't have an idea for his concept, so, sabar dulu bro! i will come up with something new (hopefully) later!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Selalunya, di satu masa dahulu setiapkali saya berhadapan dengan sesuatu perkara yang memberatkan kepala , saya lebih suka menulis perasaan saya pada sebuah buku yg saya suka menggelarkannya Journal....ada ketika saat saya menulis itu saya akan menangis dan kekadang tersenyum sendiri...kini walaupun saya masih suka menulis dan mengadu pada journal tetapi nyata karier sebagai ibu dan surirumah yang bekerja terlalu menyekat ruang masa saya untuk itu, semalam semasa sedang mengemas kabinet saya secara tidak sengaja terjumpa journal kuning itu, saya belek dan dapati kali terakhir saya menulis didalamnya adalah pada september 2009..
Wah! begitu sekali masa mencemburui saya, sehinggakan utk menulis barang sepatah kata di dalam buku itu pun tidak berkesempatan, walaubagaimanapun saya tidak membaca kandungan tulisan saya itu kerana saya takut peristiwa terakhir dalam catatan itu ada sesuatu yang tidak menggembirakan, apa yang istemewanya buku itu pada saya?
Selain daripada buku berwarna kuning terang yang saya panggil Journal, saya sebenarnya lebih selesa mencatatkan semua dalam journal itu menggunakan tulisan ciptaan saya sendiri yang mana hanya saya seorang sahaja yang akan mampu membaca dan memahaminya.. =D
ok, ini sj utk kali ini...lain kali sambung lagi OK!
Wah! begitu sekali masa mencemburui saya, sehinggakan utk menulis barang sepatah kata di dalam buku itu pun tidak berkesempatan, walaubagaimanapun saya tidak membaca kandungan tulisan saya itu kerana saya takut peristiwa terakhir dalam catatan itu ada sesuatu yang tidak menggembirakan, apa yang istemewanya buku itu pada saya?
Selain daripada buku berwarna kuning terang yang saya panggil Journal, saya sebenarnya lebih selesa mencatatkan semua dalam journal itu menggunakan tulisan ciptaan saya sendiri yang mana hanya saya seorang sahaja yang akan mampu membaca dan memahaminya.. =D
ok, ini sj utk kali ini...lain kali sambung lagi OK!
Monday, February 21, 2011
When you get caught in the rain with no where to run
When you're distraught and in pain without anyone
When you keep crying out to be saved
But nobody comes and you feel so far away
That you just can't find your way home
You can get there alone
It's okay, what you say is
I can make it through the rain
I can stand up once again on my own
And I know that I'm strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day and I make it through the rain
And if you keep falling down don't you dare give in
You will arise safe and sound, so keep pressing on steadfastly
And you'll find what you need to prevail
What you say is
I can make it through the rain
I can stand up once again on my own
And I know that I'm strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day and I make it through the rain
And when the rain blows, as shadows grow close don't be afraid
There's nothing you can't face
And should they tell you you'll never pull through
Don't hesitate, stand tall and say
I can make it through the rain
I can stand up once again on my own
And I know that I'm strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day and I make it through the rain
I can make it through the rain
And I live once again
And I live one more day
And I can make it through the rain
(Yes you can)
You will make it through the rain
When you're distraught and in pain without anyone
When you keep crying out to be saved
But nobody comes and you feel so far away
That you just can't find your way home
You can get there alone
It's okay, what you say is
I can make it through the rain
I can stand up once again on my own
And I know that I'm strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day and I make it through the rain
And if you keep falling down don't you dare give in
You will arise safe and sound, so keep pressing on steadfastly
And you'll find what you need to prevail
What you say is
I can make it through the rain
I can stand up once again on my own
And I know that I'm strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day and I make it through the rain
And when the rain blows, as shadows grow close don't be afraid
There's nothing you can't face
And should they tell you you'll never pull through
Don't hesitate, stand tall and say
I can make it through the rain
I can stand up once again on my own
And I know that I'm strong enough to mend
And every time I feel afraid I hold tighter to my faith
And I live one more day and I make it through the rain
I can make it through the rain
And I live once again
And I live one more day
And I can make it through the rain
(Yes you can)
You will make it through the rain
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Woke up at 6.15am on Sunday morning, with some kind of "emotional" feeling inside...i don't know what and why, but i believe it is due to my current situation..
Tomorrow we gonna start a new day, a day for us, Kids & the parent...sometimes i think life is really unfair to us especially me, this little "chaos" happen make me think of a lot of thing, how i help people a lot & people pay me back with a big UN-respect....=(
My trust broken into pieces, i realize it is definitely sooo hard to put trust into someone without broken it. I HATE THOSE PEOPLE!!!
Tomorrow we gonna start a new day, a day for us, Kids & the parent...sometimes i think life is really unfair to us especially me, this little "chaos" happen make me think of a lot of thing, how i help people a lot & people pay me back with a big UN-respect....=(
My trust broken into pieces, i realize it is definitely sooo hard to put trust into someone without broken it. I HATE THOSE PEOPLE!!!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Thank You Life!
2 weeks ago i really felt my life little easier then usual, 2 weeks ago my children also glad they did not go to the nursery & spend the whole day at home and 2 weeks ago i did not have to wake up in a hurry and then go back in the evening with grumbling and tired...
But it is only happen for 2 weeks...and after the 2 weeks i will return to the previous life, a hurry, tired and weary! and the kids also have to go back to the nursery, facing it again, it may be a little difficult for them and I'm sure that the kids will be crying and begging
(especially "dhanie") not to sent them to "school" (as dhanie call "nursery")
What happened is not what i expected, and it's troubling me back now!..i was aggrieved by what happened, if i know this would be happen I'd rather face my life as before, without expecting helps from others!!! =(
Maybe i put too high expectations in this, i am expecting the presence of someone in this house may help me dealing with the kids in particular, but instead, i am now caught by my own expectations!!! =(
Maybe i am not grateful for the 2 weeks assistance, but compared with what i gave them i dare to say that it is not worthwhile, i don't need them to pay me back in return, i just need a little help before i can find someone who can look after the kids after her!!
Currently, i do feel saddened by what happened. I will have to deal with the exhausting pace of life, even the kids do too, and maybe this is the best for us, back to the "old" life and learn to be independent without expecting others.
What i expect for the future of my life will be easier and more fun, YES! the facts is life truly colorful. Thank You Life!!
But it is only happen for 2 weeks...and after the 2 weeks i will return to the previous life, a hurry, tired and weary! and the kids also have to go back to the nursery, facing it again, it may be a little difficult for them and I'm sure that the kids will be crying and begging
(especially "dhanie") not to sent them to "school" (as dhanie call "nursery")
What happened is not what i expected, and it's troubling me back now!..i was aggrieved by what happened, if i know this would be happen I'd rather face my life as before, without expecting helps from others!!! =(
Maybe i put too high expectations in this, i am expecting the presence of someone in this house may help me dealing with the kids in particular, but instead, i am now caught by my own expectations!!! =(
Maybe i am not grateful for the 2 weeks assistance, but compared with what i gave them i dare to say that it is not worthwhile, i don't need them to pay me back in return, i just need a little help before i can find someone who can look after the kids after her!!
Currently, i do feel saddened by what happened. I will have to deal with the exhausting pace of life, even the kids do too, and maybe this is the best for us, back to the "old" life and learn to be independent without expecting others.
What i expect for the future of my life will be easier and more fun, YES! the facts is life truly colorful. Thank You Life!!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Here Goes The Stories...
The story today is a bit annoying:
(I attended a wedding of a friend the office last week, and today she has returned to work a long leave, since she was a new bride, a few friends came to congratulate her, but as soon as she saw me, immediately,with a big laugh she said,)
Bride: You were so funny,you gave me only RMxx in a sealed envelope?... (chuckle...* chuckle...* chuckle)
Me: (stunned face) ...Other friends began to laugh at me..
me: (silence), but deep down in my heart whispers..(at least i gave with a good faith) .
Actually, i feel quiet regret for attending the wedding & also regret for giving money as a gift to her, YES!!because of what she talked just now!
and i started to un- respect her as a friend or an office mate. Maybe because I'm not the "Banyak Karenah" type of person, so she may think that i don't have heart and feelings for her to look down on me.And YES! i may can't afford to gave her more but i gave it with good intention, with thousands of pray in it! but now i am regret for knowing her and attending the weddding, Totally Regret!!!!
And now, I will remember her as a woman who does not need respect and not eligible to become a friend of mine...TTYN!!!
(I attended a wedding of a friend the office last week, and today she has returned to work a long leave, since she was a new bride, a few friends came to congratulate her, but as soon as she saw me, immediately,with a big laugh she said,)
Bride: You were so funny,you gave me only RMxx in a sealed envelope?... (chuckle...* chuckle...* chuckle)
Me: (stunned face) ...Other friends began to laugh at me..
me: (silence), but deep down in my heart whispers..(at least i gave with a good faith) .
Actually, i feel quiet regret for attending the wedding & also regret for giving money as a gift to her, YES!!because of what she talked just now!
and i started to un- respect her as a friend or an office mate. Maybe because I'm not the "Banyak Karenah" type of person, so she may think that i don't have heart and feelings for her to look down on me.And YES! i may can't afford to gave her more but i gave it with good intention, with thousands of pray in it! but now i am regret for knowing her and attending the weddding, Totally Regret!!!!
And now, I will remember her as a woman who does not need respect and not eligible to become a friend of mine...TTYN!!!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Well, well....today the pain still aching! and i am in a great suffer of this toothache....since yesterday was the public holiday, so i go to the dentist today hopes that i will ended my misery, but this is what the dentist said :-
Dentist :- So, sorry madam i am not able pull your teeth today because Your gums are still swollen.. u have to take some pain killer plus antibiotic, finish off your medicines and come back again after that.
Me:- oooo myyy Goooood...F***ing Teeth....!!!!! (whispering)
Dentist :- Sorry??
Me :- OK, i'll come next week..thanks doc! (smile)
Dentist :-welcome..(smile too)
Dentist :- So, sorry madam i am not able pull your teeth today because Your gums are still swollen.. u have to take some pain killer plus antibiotic, finish off your medicines and come back again after that.
Me:- oooo myyy Goooood...F***ing Teeth....!!!!! (whispering)
Dentist :- Sorry??
Me :- OK, i'll come next week..thanks doc! (smile)
Dentist :-welcome..(smile too)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
A Great BIG Smile Of me!!
What makes me SMILES today!!!
I can't believe i found it on top of my printer case
I don't know how it can be there, i don't care if someone put it there
or me myself overlooked it there or what so ever
All that matter is I FOUND MY NOSTALGIC mechanical pencil today!
I Promise to look after it after this! PROMISE, PROMISE, PROMISE!!!
Thank you GOD for answering my prayer.Amen.
Adoihhhh ...Part II
I am still in GREAT suffering of this tooth ache! and today i had " bruises" on the half of my right face, Yet can't smile proper & worse is Dhani keep asking me why did i smile that way?...grrrrr...
Still in the great pain of toothache....go to dentist but the doctor said i have to wait till my swollen gum recede..i really can't stand the pain...
Still in the great pain of toothache....go to dentist but the doctor said i have to wait till my swollen gum recede..i really can't stand the pain...
Sunday, February 13, 2011
sdg berblogging sambil tangan kiri menekup pipi kanan, dan air mata yang malu-malu mengalir slow-slow walaupun si tuan badan sudah separuh gila menahan sakit gigi....bila si tuan badan tidak boleh tidur malam dek kesakitan terlampau, nangis sikit2 je sebab kalau nangis kuat2 pun en.suami haram mahu memujuk, dia sedang terbongkang tidur dengan dengkuran hebat menambahkan lagi kesakitan gigi yang tak terkata, ..isk..isk..isk...(sedikit bunyi esakan yg boleh dibaca, sbb tiada bunyi utk di didengar)
Baru kejap tadi ambil ais batu dan "tuam" luar & dalam mulut (dlm mulut means, kunyah ais batu tu laaa....*wink* *wink*) ..agak berkesan tapi lepas saja power of the ais batu habis, then agen-agen @ giuk-giuk penyebab sakit mula beroperasi kembali ...adoiiii....
Then, at this hour si tuan punya badan ini sedang bertarung dengan hebatnya kerana sakit gigi itu semakin mencengkam...confirm besok pagi muka akan bengkak..& kemudian mesti dtg opis dgn senyuman yg sedikit senget daripada biasa...huarghh...
oklah, stop dulu...kerana sdh tidak tertahan menanggung derita dan juga 2 ketul ais batu yang perlu menjalankan tugas maka sampai sini saja lah..adooooiiiii.....
Baru kejap tadi ambil ais batu dan "tuam" luar & dalam mulut (dlm mulut means, kunyah ais batu tu laaa....*wink* *wink*) ..agak berkesan tapi lepas saja power of the ais batu habis, then agen-agen @ giuk-giuk penyebab sakit mula beroperasi kembali ...adoiiii....
Then, at this hour si tuan punya badan ini sedang bertarung dengan hebatnya kerana sakit gigi itu semakin mencengkam...confirm besok pagi muka akan bengkak..& kemudian mesti dtg opis dgn senyuman yg sedikit senget daripada biasa...huarghh...
oklah, stop dulu...kerana sdh tidak tertahan menanggung derita dan juga 2 ketul ais batu yang perlu menjalankan tugas maka sampai sini saja lah..adooooiiiii.....
Friday, February 11, 2011
I Lost IT!!!
I don't know how to describe my feeling now, but, i feel a bit emotional, i felt guilty and lost..i tried looking for it everywhere, on my table, under the table, below the whole bunch of paper, at the back of PC, everywhere....i am looking for it everywhere since 10.30am this morning but hopeless...i never ask anyone, but i want to ask someone, but i am still hesitate, hence i don't know her better, she is the new boss at different department and different level too, because she is the only person come to my table, seat on my chair this morning and i realize that she'd bring her pencil case too.....but how am i going to asks her about the mechanical pencils, the only mechanical pencil that i kept since i was in high school??
Well! it is only a pencil, a tiny green pencil, an old mechanical pencil, but i LOVE it very very very much because it hold my thousands memories in it, my adolescent, my achievement....oooo...(deep breathe)..my green mechanical pencil...should i call her and asks for that lovely pencil of mine? should i? and what should i say then, "did u took my pencil boss? ???..arggghhhh...
How Come......
Talk to a friend i call buddy who address me "mate"... i told her that i want to have 90% an english written blog & 10% for other languages (etc.Malay, Dusun)..every time i read someone blogs which is written in fully English i feel jealous, i want to be the same to...i want me to write better as they do..."buddy" told me that i will be like that, maybe it takes time but keep on writing she says..yeah..yeah..she is a degree holder of course she can say that..but to someone who "biasa-biasa saja" like me, i know i can enjoy on every word i wrote, even it is not a perfect English but i will be more enjoy if i know how to write in English better, some colleagues told me to write in Malay if i can't wrote in English but could it be more nice and better in English? Really??
Talk to a friend i call buddy who address me "mate"... i told her that i want to have 90% an english written blog & 10% for other languages (etc.Malay, Dusun)..every time i read someone blogs which is written in fully English i feel jealous, i want to be the same to...i want me to write better as they do..."buddy" told me that i will be like that, maybe it takes time but keep on writing she says..yeah..yeah..she is a degree holder of course she can say that..but to someone who "biasa-biasa saja" like me, i know i can enjoy on every word i wrote, even it is not a perfect English but i will be more enjoy if i know how to write in English better, some colleagues told me to write in Malay if i can't wrote in English but could it be more nice and better in English? Really??
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
This morning, i woke up late...very very late...after taking my bath, i then realize that hubby already wakes up earlier than me...then, i asked him "honey, why didn't you wake me up just after you?" with smiles in his face, he said" i am sorry, but you sleeping like a baby, i don't dare to wake u up watching u sleep like that.." haihhh......i wanted to say something but i choose to say nothing...i know he know that i did not sleep yesterday, i know he want me to rest...i know..i know..i know... BUT, why can't he just wake me up???? i need to go work & i am already LATE now!!!!!!!!!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Sleepy!!!!! totally can't focus on anything right now.......arghhh...
how was Dhanie & Rafael {especially rafael} ..left with their new kakak?? hmmm......mummy wonder....
Yeay!!!! i just talk to nuni {kakak} just now & she's happy to tell me that rafael were just wake up & he sounds fine tooo...{heard his voice on the phone} =D
now, i started missing my boys!!! ...feel like want to come home rightaway...huhuhu
how was Dhanie & Rafael {especially rafael} ..left with their new kakak?? hmmm......mummy wonder....
Yeay!!!! i just talk to nuni {kakak} just now & she's happy to tell me that rafael were just wake up & he sounds fine tooo...{heard his voice on the phone} =D
now, i started missing my boys!!! ...feel like want to come home rightaway...huhuhu
Totally TIRED!!!!
It's is 2.52am now, both of the boy are already sleeps & by the time i was writing this i am wet by sweat???.....OH! NO!!NO!!NO!!...don't get me wrong, i am sweaty because i just lift 2 single bed mattress upstairs...BY MY SELF..okayyyy....it was not only lifted up but i have to arrange the mattresses among the other mattresses....ouwhhh....am i sounds like i have a dozen of mattress ?
YES! it definitely is!!!....WHY? emmm{thinking} it was belong to husband...but, sorry to say that..from where and why he got it I do not think I need to share it here ... it is his business.....thanks!
And, what and worse is I will go back to work tomorrow after a long vacation! arggghhh ... I am sleepy now & want to prepare my self for tomorrow, BUT NOW ...???? =( =( =(
YES! it definitely is!!!....WHY? emmm{thinking} it was belong to husband...but, sorry to say that..from where and why he got it I do not think I need to share it here ... it is his business.....thanks!
And, what and worse is I will go back to work tomorrow after a long vacation! arggghhh ... I am sleepy now & want to prepare my self for tomorrow, BUT NOW ...???? =( =( =(
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Yes! i was help somebody on blogging, NO! it wasn't helping it was just ask her to do blog, helps her to understand on how to start & create it....since she'd doing online selling just like i does, so i think it is suitable for her to create one..
i know she will be better on it because i remember that she'll learn something about IT @ computer science or something sounds like that....(ugou, correct me if i am wrong!!! >< ) with that education background i believe that someday she will be good in blogging rather then now...annnndd, when the time comes i will come to her asks for her help again...may I ugou? hehehehe. See her blog HERE
i know she will be better on it because i remember that she'll learn something about IT @ computer science or something sounds like that....(ugou, correct me if i am wrong!!! >< ) with that education background i believe that someday she will be good in blogging rather then now...annnndd, when the time comes i will come to her asks for her help again...may I ugou? hehehehe. See her blog HERE
Friday, February 4, 2011
an evening at 4th of Feb 2011
The Evening....
both of kids were sleeping, and mommy got a little time for her to write...haaa {deep breathe}... ..what a really nice day =) staying home with these 2 boys, watching them go here & over, specially for the little one, watching them playing together, saw them laugh to each other everything just so LOVELY...
hermmm...yesterday, i was telling that i don't know how am i going to be SAHM when i have to carry all household things & the kids alone....but today, i take back my words...i don't care how tired it is or how hard it is but i think i will be Loved to stay home & watching my kids growing up...keeping up...learning up... just in front of me...I LOVE THEM VERY MUCH!!!
both of kids were sleeping, and mommy got a little time for her to write...haaa {deep breathe}...
hermmm...yesterday, i was telling that i don't know how am i going to be SAHM when i have to carry all household things & the kids alone....but today, i take back my words...i don't care how tired it is or how hard it is but i think i will be Loved to stay home & watching my kids growing up...keeping up...learning up... just in front of me...I LOVE THEM VERY MUCH!!!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Its a Long OFF DAY =D
well, its a LOOOOOOOOng off day, i dont knot how to explain my feeling but this is the only chances for me spending the whole day with my kids (of course!) and definitely i also have to work on household! the unfolded clothes, the dishes, the windows (since i am not using sliding windows) the everythings!!!!
As i realized that it is a real tired staying at home...(OMG!), haih..!!! i don't know if i really can be a SAHM (Staying at Home Mom) when i think like this???????? aiyooo.....
As i realized that it is a real tired staying at home...(OMG!), haih..!!! i don't know if i really can be a SAHM (Staying at Home Mom) when i think like this???????? aiyooo.....
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