Monday, February 14, 2011

Adoihhhh ...Part II

I am still in GREAT suffering of this tooth ache! and today i had " bruises" on the half of my right face, Yet can't smile proper & worse is Dhani keep asking me why did i smile that way?...grrrrr...


Still in the great pain of toothache....go to dentist but the doctor said i have to wait till my swollen gum recede..i really can't stand the pain...


fashla said...
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fashla said...

keresahan dan kesakitan terus menerjah apabila membaca post toothache ini.menyelinap perasaan ngilu pantas ke saluran nadi..sedih juga pada tika lapang begini sang teman mengalami keresahan seumpamanya..tidak banyak yang dapat dibantu, apalagi saat kejauhan menjadi halangan utama tanpa mampu
menghulurkan tangan untuk berada disisi.semoga dengan adanya nukilan prihatin dari saya melenyapkan seketika kesakitan itu atau agar ia pergi terus dan terus menghilang bersama kelam hari ini..

DiDa licious said...


Thanks!thanks!thanks! rasa mcm kna care sgt2...=D luv U!...muah..muahhh

Sy mkn ponstan then think quite fine...hehehe...